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up to the present timeの例文


  • and it's maturing up to the present time .
  • kanzan ' s teaching of zen was flourished greatly by hakuin and has been passed on up to the present time while other branches of the rinzai sect died out .
  • higo-chikurin school was temporarily discontinued after the imperial restoration , however , it was later inherited by the family of karo (chief retainer of daimyo - japanese territorial lord ) of the former kumamoto domain by the matsui clan , which was the eighth owner of the castle , and it has succeeded from generation to generation up to the present time .
  • in 1950 when nichijo adachi was the chief abbot , yoho-ji temple and 50 of its branch temples became independent from nichiren sect (some of the branch temples remained in nichiren sect and became members of shimane sonmonkai (島根尊門会 ) of koto hoenkai (興統法縁会 ) and since then , they have been officially calling themselves nichiren hon sect up to the present time .